Sean Croughan, Arina Kruis, Kelly Ann Catherine Janssens, Pro Mukerjee, Denys Shchetkovskyy, Áine Mitchell, Mehmet Akif Karamercan, Zerrin Defne Dundar, Anna Slagman, Effie Polyzogopoulou, Sandor Somodi, Andrea Fabbri, Lars Peter Bjornsen, Wilma Beetge, Said Laribi, Rebecca Ann Sealy, Visnja Nesek Adam, Comfort Adedokun, Lucy Gibbons, Pamela O’Brien, Jessica Lynch, Laura Kenny, Conor Deasy, John Ryan, David Menzies, John Cronin, Vijay Narayanan, Nurali Noorani, Waslet Bakhshi, Ahmed Al Rasheed Ahmed, Rosa McNamara
Epidemiology of Older Patients Presenting to Irish Emergency Departments: A Subgroup Analysis of the EGERS Dataset
Journal of Geriatric Emergency Medicine Vol 5 (2024) ISS 4 1-13

Govender, Kiren; on behalf of Emergency Medicine Reference Group for Europe (EMERGE) on behalf of Young Emergency Medicine Doctors (YEMD); Lupan-Muresan, Eugenia; on behalf of Emergency Medicine Reference Group for Europe (EMERGE) on behalf of Young Emergency Medicine Doctors (YEMD)
Emergency medicine training in Europe: the Young Emergency Medicine Doctors perspective
European Journal of Emergency Medicine ():10.1097/MEJ.0000000000001197, November 21, 2024.

McNamara, Rosa; on behalf of the Emergency Medicine Examination Reference Group for Europe (EMERGE)
Life beyond exams: the role of workplace-based assessments and observation in emergency medicine training
European Journal of Emergency Medicine ():10.1097/MEJ.0000000000001192, October 28, 2024.

James David van Oppen, Tim Coats, Simon Conroy, Sarah Hayden, Pieter Heeren, Carolyn Hullick, Shan Liu, Jacinta Lucke, Bill Lukin, Rosa McNamara, Don Melady, Simon P Mooijaart, Tony Rosen, Jay Banerjee
Person-centred decisions in emergency care for older
people living with frailty: principles and practice
Emergency Medicine Journal Published Online First: 26 July 2024

Rosa McNamara, James D van Oppen, Simon P Conroy.
Frailty same day emergency care (SDEC): a novel service model or an unhelpful distraction?
Age and Ageing, Volume 53, Issue 4, April 2024, afae064
doi: 10.1093/ageing/afae064 PMID: 38577965

European Taskforce on Geriatric Emergency Medicine (ETGEM) collaborators.
Prevalence of Frailty in European Emergency Departments (FEED): an international flash mob study. Eur Geriatr Med. 2024 Feb 10.
doi: 10.1007/s41999-023-00926-3. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38340282.