Using functional movement tests to investigate the presence of sensorimotor impairment in amateur athletes following sport-related concussion: A prospective, longitudinal study
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Headache- and Dizziness-Specific Health-Related Quality-of-Life Impairments Persist for 1 in 4 Amateur Athletes Who Are Cleared to Return to Sporting Activity Following Sport-Related Concussion: A Prospective Matched-Cohort Study.
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Interaction between EDs and Long-Term Residential Care Facilities During the COVID-19 Pandemic
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A European Research Agenda for Geriatric Emergency Medicine: a modified Delphi study.
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Home FIRsT: interdisciplinary geriatric assessment and disposition outcomes in the Emergency Department.
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Stakeholders’ perspectives on models of care in the emergency department and the introduction of health and social care professional teams: A qualitative analysis using World Cafés and interviews.
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Clinical Detection and Recovery of Vestibular and Oculomotor Impairments Among Amateur Athletes Following Sport-Related Concussion: A Prospective, Matched-Cohort Study.
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Concussed athletes walk slower than non-concussed athletes during cognitive-motor dual-task assessments but not during single-task assessments 2 months after sports concussion: a systematic review and meta-analysis using individual participant data.
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Community frailty response service: the ED at your front door
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Cycling related major trauma in Ireland.
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Resuscitation for Cardiac Arrest and Postcardiac Arrest Care
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